Moving tips for people with kids

Ahh! Your kids are finally in bed and you have a few minutes alone to think about your upcoming move. 

There are so many decisions to make: What items can you start packing now, and what needs to wait until the last minute? Should you hire a moving company or recruit a few friends with a truck? Is it worth it to pay for childcare on moving day?

To make the transition to your new home a little easier, we’ve put together some practical moving tips for parents like you. 


Preparing to move

2 months before your move:

  • Hire movers to pack and move for you! This is a huge stress reliever because you’ll know all of the small details are taken care of leading up to the move, and when the big day comes you can just sit back and relax.

  • Make a moving folder (moving contracts, utility contracts, new address, etc.) to keep everything in one place and easy to find.

  • Start sorting through items and decide what to recycle, donate, sell, or pack. (Find more packing tips for parents in this post.)

1 to 2 weeks before your move:

  • Arrange pet care and child care for moving day.

  • Let important people know your new address – doctors, schools, utility companies, insurance, bank, family. Set up mail forwarding with the post office about a week before your move date.

  • Don’t buy groceries the week before moving. Clear out your pantry and fridge instead. 

2 to 3 days before your move

  • Label and pack a box as “Unpack First!” with items you’ll need right away. (Toiletries, medication, sheets, towels, phone chargers, snacks, etc.)  

  • Pack a traveling bag for each kid, with favorite toys, blankets, books, activities, and special snacks.

  • Don’t forget about your furry friends! Set aside pet toys so they feel comfortable traveling to their new home, too.

  • Make a list of questions you want to ask your moving company. Communication is key! 

Moving day

  • Do a room-by-room walkthrough with your moving company and point out what needs to be moved, what items stay, and delicate items that need some extra TLC. 

  • Keep valuables and hard to replace items (money, social security card, passport, etc.) on your person – don’t load them in the truck.

  • Do another walkthrough at the end to make sure everything is in the truck that needs to be.

  • Be sure to leave enough time for final cleaning tasks and checking in with your landlord / realtor once everything is moved out.


Settling into your new home

  • Make the transition easier for your kids by setting up their bedrooms as soon as you get to your new home. This will give them a sense of familiarity, safety, and security. Then, make your own bed and unpack your bathroom supplies so you can take a shower and relax after the big day!

  • Plan on ordering dinner for the first night in your new home. 

  • Look up kids’ activities in your new community and plan something special for the first few weeks after you move. It will give your kids something to look forward to and relieve a little of the stress and anxiety for them.

  • Think about ways you can take care of yourself, too! Can you get meals or groceries delivered to save time running to the store? Is there room in your budget for eating out as a family? Consider splurging on something “just because” … like coffee, a bottle of bourbon, a movie, or a massage.

  • Ask your friends what they wish they had done the last time they moved. They’ll have lots of good ideas. :)


Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, let us show you just how easy moving can be! 

We started Flint Hills Moving to provide an experience that puts the customer first and moving second.

We’re honest about the moving process, show up on time, focus on the details, and treat everyone involved in the process with kindness and respect. We work hard to be the quality movers that we would want in our own house, and we would love to help you with your next move.

Reach out to us today for a free quote!

Joe Gerken