10 practical packing tips for parents

Moving with kids often comes with an extra layer of stress. Not only do you have to find time to pack in between your normal activities, you also need to make a million little decisions about what stays, what goes, and how to pack those random shaped objects.

To make these decisions easier, we’ve rounded up 10 practical packing tips for parents like you.

  1. Packing will probably take longer than you think. Come up with a game plan and pack a little each day during nap time or after the kids go to bed. You could also ask someone to watch the kids for a few hours (or a full day!) so you can focus uninterrupted.

  2. Pack one room at a time, and try to keep “like” items together. (Books, kitchen items, bathroom items, etc.) This will make it easier to unpack and settle into your new home.

  3. Take pictures of your furniture as you disassemble it, and put the screws, bolts, and hardware in a small plastic bag and tape it to the item with blue painters tape. This makes reassembly a breeze!

  4. Take a picture of the back of electronics so you know where all the cords go. Tie cords together with a zip tie so they don’t get tangled.

  5. If you have lots of board games, consider buying reusable silicone bags that take up less space and keep small parts contained.

  6. Pack a traveling bag for each kid, with favorite toys, blankets, books, activities, and special snacks. (Find more moving tips and ideas to help your kids settle into their new home in this blog post.)

  7. Don’t forget about your furry friends! Set aside pet toys so they feel comfortable traveling to their new home, too.

  8. Label and pack a box as “Unpack First!” with items you’ll need right away. (Sheets, towels, toiletries, medication, phone chargers, snacks, etc.)

  9. On each box, write a brief description of what’s inside and which room it belongs in (bedroom, kitchen, etc.) Write FRAGILE in big letters if the box has breakable items.

  10. Throw away old cleaning supplies and toilet brushes to avoid transferring germs to your new space.

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful!

If you’re reading through this list and still feel overwhelmed by everything you have to get done before your move, we would love to take that stressor off your plate! 

We started Flint Hills Moving to provide an experience that puts the customer first and moving second. We’re honest about the moving process, show up on time, focus on the details, and treat everyone involved in the process with kindness and respect. We work hard to be the quality movers that we would want in our own house.

Reach out to us today for a free quote!

Joe Gerken